Saturday 27 June 2015


Hey guys!
How much do you like purple? Is it your favorite color or your least favorite color? Or is it somewhere in between? For Annie in 'The Purple Hat' by Tracey Campbell Pearson, it is her favorite color!
Annie loves purple. She has purple clothes, a purple room and she loves ALL THINGS PURPLE. So when she sees an amazing purple hat in the catalogue, she knows it'll be perfect for her. And soon, lucky for her, she does get a purple hat. Annie loves her purple hat.
So one day when she takes it to school, it goes missing. The entire town is searching for it!
Where could her lovely purple hat go?
This book is sweet although it is a little strange that the entire town would be searching for Annie's purple hat. The illustrations are very cute too.
Tracey Campbell Pearson has also written and illustrated Elephant's Story, Myrtle, Bob, Where Does Joe Go?, The Howling Dog and many more.
I think this book will appeal more to ages 3-6.

Friday 26 June 2015

Ever Wondered What It Would Be Like To Fly A Racing Dragon?

Hello everyone!
Today I'm reviewing the book Dragon Racer by Margaret Bateson-Hill. There are two versions of the book, the first called Dragon Racer and the second called Dragon Racer: The First Flight. This book is the first in the Dragon Racer trilogy.
Imagine a world just like our own. With one twist, that is: DRAGONS!
Joanna Morris longs to have something to do. Her brother is in a football team. What about her? That's when she sees a silver dragon on the clock-tower and knows her life is going to change forever. Soon she's doing what she always wanted to do: dragon racing!
But Excelsior is no normal dragon. And neither is his rival, Prometheus, an arrogant Jewel Dragon who will stop at nothing to win.
Thrown into the world of dragon-racing, Joanna and Excelsior, her over-excited, care-free Silver Spiked-back dragon must battle a corrupt businessman, injustice and most of all: Prometheus. For this Jewel Dragon is not what he really seems he is...
Can Joanna and Excelsior defeat Prometheus?
And what will they have to sacrifice for this?
This book is written so very well and I really look forward to reading the other books Dragon Racer: Legacy of Fire and Dragon Racer: The Silver Flame.
Other than the Dragon Racer books, Margaret Bateson-Hill has also written Leah's Christmas Story, Shota and the Star Quilt, This Little Piggy Went to the Market, Masha and the Firebird, Lao-Lao of Dragon Mountain, etc.
I really love this book and a recommend it to ages 9 and above!

The Other World...

Hey everybody!
Have you watched or heard about the movie Coraline? Well, that amazing movie is based on an amazing book written by Neil Gaiman, called 'Coraline.'
Coraline Jones is bored. She always is at her new house. There's nothing to do, her parents are always busy, and all the neighbors pronounce her name wrong. It's Coraline. Not Caroline. Coraline. The least she can do is explore. But she can't even do that when it starts to rain one day. So, when her father suggests she explore the flat, she finds a strange door. It doesn't open to anywhere and behind is a bunch of bricks. After further unearthing and digging up she finds out that it's closed because when the house was divided into flats, the door was blocked. At least that's the story... but maybe there's something more to the bricked-up wall.
When her parents aren't home, Coraline finds out that the door does open out to somewhere. Going through the dark musty corridor, she finds a world eerily similar to her own... but better. This world is way more interesting and fun.
But there's another mother there, and another father, who want Coraline to stay and be their little girl... but that can't happen... can it? When the history of this world starts to unravel and her parents disappear, Coraline finds out that she's in grave danger...
This is the first book I've read written by Neil Gaiman and I certainly look forward to reading more. This book is eery and never really frightening and I love it. It's truly one of my favorite books! I recommend this book to ages 8 and above.
I love this book and rate it 5 stars!

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Bow Down to the New Generation of Princesses!

Hello guys!
 Today I'm reviewing the Tiara Club series which has more than thirty books in it. These books are rather simple and easy to read. They are written by Vivian French.
In a magical world with kingdoms and Fairy Godmothers, princesses are so common that the Princess Academy is set up. This academy is divided into numerous stages, such as the first Tiara Club, Silver Towers, Ruby Mansion, Pearl Palace and Emerald Castle. In the Princess Academy, lots of things happen.
There are magic potions, baby dolphins, horses, the sea and, of course, princesses. In each stage, there are a different set of princesses, which makes  it a little hard to remember all those princess names. At the beginning of each book, a note is written from the princess to the reader, saying that both of them are best friends, but it does not seem that way in the story itself.
If you are a reader older than 9 years old, you will probably not find the books satisfying to yourself, even for a short read. These books are mostly for younger girls who have just started to read chapter books and like princesses because the plots are very simple and won't appeal to older readers.

Favorite Blast #10: Don't Worry, It's Just a Clean Break...

Dear readers,
I haven't blogged for a long time, but here is the last Favorite Blast! I'm reviewing the book Clean Break by Jacqueline Wilson.
Usually, in stories, the step-parents are terrible and mean to the children. But in Em's case, this is wrong. She loves her step-dad way more than her real dad. Even if she has to put up with Vita and Max, her annoying half-siblings. So why does everything go wrong on Christmas day?
At first, Em is sure that this will be the best Christmas ever, especially when her step-dad gives her a real emerald ring! Cool! But after a mysterious call, Em is not sure whether this really will be the best Christmas ever.
When her step-dad runs away, life gets tougher with old Gran nagging, not enough money and a shocking discovery about Em's emerald ring.
And then Em starts to wonder... did her step-dad really love her? Everybody tries to convince that her step-dad is coming back, but Em knows better.
But maybe all it will take to get her step-dad back is an accident...
Will Em ever get her step-dad back?
Or will she have to accept this new way of life?
Jacqueline Wilson has written many other books, such as The Suitcase Kid, Sleepovers, The Lottie Project, etc. I have also reviewed some of her books which you can find in my blog.
This is a heart-touching story and will make you root for Em all the way. I recommend this book to ages 9 and above.
Well, this is the end of Favorite Blast! I hope you enjoyed it and maybe I'll do something like this in the future. Thanks a lot! (and I'm not being sarcastic.)

Sunday 3 May 2015

Favorite Blast #9: Sleepover Girlz...

Hey guys,
Today I'm going to review Sleepovers by Jacqueline Wilson.
All the girls in the Alphabet club (Amy, Bella, Chloe, Daisy and Emily) can't wait to have sleepover parties. That is, except for Daisy. Poor Daisy is new to the school and doesn't have a best friend. Then she meets the rest of the Alphabet club and finally starts to settle down. Everybody seems to like her, except for mean Chloe. Chloe torments Daisy and doesn't let her take part in activities. She's a cheater and the main problem is that she's Emily's best friend. Daisy wants to be Emily's friend and she can't bear Chloe.
Chloe gets meaner and meaner to the extent that Emily doesn't want to be her best friend anymore either. Then when the sleepovers start, it's a chance that Daisy can become Emily's best friend... But that's not Daisy's only problem. She's embarrassed and won't let anybody come to her house because of her sister.
Daisy's sister isn't well and Daisy's embarrassed about her... But maybe she can help Daisy in beating Chloe...
This story is a very heartwarming tale about friendship, standing up for friends and understanding that you shouldn't be embarrassed by someone you love..
I recommend this book to ages 7 and above.
Jacqueline Wilson is a British author who has also written The Suitcase Kid, The Lottie Project, Clean Break, The Diamond Girls, and many more.
Well, this review is almost over. The LAST Favorite Blast review, reviewing another Jacqueline Wilson book, Clean Break, is coming soon! Stay tuned to A Wonderland of Books!

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Favorite Blast #8: The Largest River in the World...

Hello everbody,
It's been more than a month since I posted my last review. So, I'm happy to post Favourite Blast #8, which reviews the amazing book Journey to the River Sea, written by Eva Ibbotson.
Maia has lived in England in a boarding school ever since she can remember. So when some relatives in Brazil, the Carters, are willing to take care of her, she is excited and absolutely cannot wait for the adventure in the Amazon. On the way, she meets Clovis, who works in a theater group. They both become good friends and Maia is certain that her life in Brazil will now be exciting and fun.But, when she arrives at the Carters' large house, she does not get what she expects.
The Carters are ever so prim and posh and do not allow a single speck of dirt on themselves. Maia is shocked because this means that she can't have adventures and she cannot explore the Amazon. Instead, she has to learn from strict governess Miss Minton. Life is ever so boring and dull, with the jungle right outside calling to her. So when she finds out that Clovis is performing on stage in town, she tries to sneak to the theater but is soon lost. Luckily, a young local boy rescues her and helps find her way.
Soon, Clovis, the boy-Finn- and Maia are best friends. That's when Finn tells her that he's hiding from someone, people who want to take him back to England in order to take care of his grandfather's estate....
Suddenly Maia finds exactly what she came to Brazil for: adventure. With the help of Miss Minton and a scientist, will Maia be able to help Finn...and get her dreams?
 This book is written by Eva Ibbotson, a reputed author who has also written Which Witch?, The Star of Kazan, The Great Ghost Rescue, The Dragonfly Pool, Dial a Ghost, Not Just a Witch, and many more.
I recommend this book for ages 9 and above.
It is certainly one of the best books I've ever read!
Don't miss Favorite Blast #9, which is going to review Sleepovers by Jacqueline Wilson.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Favorite Blast #7: As Easy As 'ABC...'

Hello everybody,
Today I'll review Favorite Blast #7, The Suitcase Kid by Jacqueline Wilson. I really love it!
'When my parents split up, they didn't know what to do with me...'
Andy's parents are splitting up. The worst thing is that she has to choose between them! "It's as easy as ABC," they say. But it isn't. Andy doesn't know who to choose. She wants both of her parents, but nobody understands. She wants to go back to her home, Mulberry Cottage. She wants things to stay as they always were. But everything's changing.
So, Andy lives one week with her dad and one week with her mother. She hates her mother's new family, especially Katie and Baboon Bill, although Graham's okay and Paula simply doesn't talk to her. Her dad's new family is okay, with Carrie and the twins. But things aren't easy when you're a suitcase kid and have no place to live.
Things are definitely not easy at school. Andy's grades are dropping and her best friend Aileen has drifted away from miserable Andy and has made friends with Fiona. Her only friend is Radish, her Sylvanian Families rabbit.
But this all changes when she meets Mr. and Mrs. Peters, a kind elderly couple who let Andy into their garden. Perhaps things will look up...
Will Andy's parents get back together? Or will she have to accept this new way of life?
I love this book and I recommend it to ages 7 and above, and this was my first Jacqueline Wilson book.
It's an excellent book and I love the way the story is built up. The characters can be easily related to.
This book is definitely five stars! 

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Favorite Blast #6: Girls Can Be Boyish!

Hey guys,
Favorite Blast #6 is going to review How I Survived Being a Girl, by Wendelin Van Draanen.

  1. Keep your hair too short for ribbons.
  2. Get a great dog.
  3. Avoid girls with Mary-Janes.
  4. Spy on the neighbors. 

These are Carolyn's tips for survival. She swears by them. By looking at these rules, you can probably guess what type of girl Carolyn is. If you're thinking about ribbons, long hair, dolls and kittens, sugar and spice and everything nice, well, you're WRONG! If you're thinking about a tomboy, dirty and messy, digging holes, action and spying, then you're CORRECT!
Carolyn is a tomboy. She wishes she was never a girl. Playing with dolls? Dress-up? Ugh! Football? Spying? Um, yeah! No wonder she doesn't have any friends who are girls.
Carolyn has all sorts of adventures. Digging foxholes, signing a petition against her music teacher, girly-girl girls, stealing books (it was by accident, okay?), and climbing roofs are just part of Carolyn's life.
But during the summer before sixth grade, everything seems to change... Before, Carolyn wouldn't have though much of stealing a book. Now she's frightened out of her wits. She isn't that friendly with her best friend Charlie anymore.
Read about Carolyn's hilarious adventures in the book!
This is Wendelin Van Draanen's first book, but I myself haven't read her other books.
I recommend this book for ages 9 and above.
The book has colorful language and portrays a clear picture in your mind. The problem is that the book seems a little outdated as some features of modern life are missing and sometimes you can't really connect to Carolyn. Other than that, it's a great book that you'll probably love!

Saturday 7 February 2015

Favorite Blast #5: The Seventh Son of the Seventh Son...

Hello everybody,
Favorite Blast #5 is... the Septimus Heap series! This series is written by Angie Sage, 'who's a bit older than her teeth but the same age as her nose...'
Welcome to the Castle. The Castle is a magical home and hub for hundreds of odd people. Let's go to the Ramblings, which is located in the Castle. The Ramblings is a housing society for most of the people who live in the Castle. In the Ramblings, there is a very odd household... meet the Heaps. The Heaps are a huge family with seven children. Well... not quite. The Heap household has six sons and a very mysterious girl, Jenna. Nobody knows where Jenna comes from. To find out more, let's go a little bit back, to the past...
Ten years ago, the seventh son of Sarah and Silas Heap was born. If he survived, then he would be one of the most powerful wizards of all time, since Silas was also a seventh son. But poor Septimus Heap didn't survive. On that cold evening when Septimus died, Silas found a strange baby with violet eyes in the biting, cruel snow. This child grew up as Jenna Heap. But poor Silas and Sarah couldn't get Septimus out of their mind.
What really happened to Septimus?
Ten years later, Marcia Overstrand, the Extraordinary Wizard, paid a visit to the Heaps, a visit which would change their lives, a visit nobody could ever forget... In the biting snow, Jenna is declared the heir to the throne and a young boy only known as Boy 412 is found under the snow. As the mysterious past of Jenna and Boy 412 are unfolded, a strange connection is found...
This is an epic story of loyalty, legends and power.
Books in this series are Magyk, Flyte, Physik, Queste, Syren, Darke, Fyre and a series companion, The Magykal Papers. The Darke Toad is a short story that covers up the long gap between Magyk and Flyte.
I love this series and I recommend it for ages 8 and above. 

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Favorite Blast #4: You Really Are a Wonder, August Pullman

Hey guys,
I recently read this amazing book called Wonder. It was so good that I just had to put it on my Favorite Blast list.
August Pullman (Auggie) isn't normal. Well, he's completely normal- except for his face. It's so terrible that kids scream and run away from him at the park. Auggie lives with his Mom, Dad, and his sister Via, who are probably the only people who see him as normal. He's been home-schooled his entire life. Until now.
Auggie can't wait to go to middle school, although he knows exactly what to expect- screaming, teasing kids, bullies and shocked teachers. Which is exactly what he gets. But Auggie gets one thing that he never ever bargained for: friends. At first, Auggie thinks that Jack and Summer could be his new best friends. But that's before he hears a terrible conversation between Jack and the bully, Julian. This is when August Pullman discovers that life is going to be way, way harder in middle school than he ever thought. To make it worse, he's getting a humongous hearing aid, five times larger than a normal one. 
With one best friend Summer, a feuding school, teasing bullies, and a miserable sister, Auggie is sure that he's never going to survive middle school. That is, until one night at a school outing, when everything changes...
The story is told in six different viewpoints, from Summer's, Jacks's, Via's, etc. This book has different quotes in it. The book is very inspiring and touching. It is written in such a way that you know exactly how the characters feel. You feel as though you are the character. If Auggie's embarrassed, you are too. If Jack's feeling confused, then you'll feel confused too. If Via's miserable, you suddenly feel miserable as well.
The book is written by R. J. Palacio, a wonderful author. She's also written 365 Days of Wonder, which is a quote book, and The Julian Chapter, which is a sequel to Wonder. It explains what happens to Julian later on and how Julian feels. Pluto, an all new sequel, will release in a few days, 10th Feb 2015. This book is about Christopher, Auggie's oldest friend.
I really love Wonder and I recommend it for ages 8 and above.
Wonder is 5 stars, everybody!

Friday 30 January 2015

Favorite Blast #3: Gaia Rising...

Hello friends...
Welcome the the THIRD Favorite Blast. Only 7 more to go!On this review, I'll be talking about the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan. This series is a continuation of the Percy Jackson series. I've already reviewed the Percy Jackson series in Favorite Blast #2: Athena, Artemis and the Rest of Greek Mythology. If you haven't already read that review, please do, because it will be easier to understand this review...
Long story short: Two demigods lose memory. End up in separate camps. Need to stop Gaia, evil earth goddess. Now what?
The longer, more useful story: Things are completely normal in the demigod world. Suddenly, something weird happens. A mysterious boy with blonde hair is found with a pretty girl and silly boy. On the other side of the country, a dark haired, strong boy with deep sea-green eyes is found by two kids. The strange thing is that these two boys have no idea who they are, but evidence on them says that they are from the opposing camp. The blonde boy, Jason, is a Roman lost in the Greek world and the dark haired boy, Percy, is a Greek found in a Roman camp.
But that's not the only strange thing going on. The evil Earth goddess Gaia is rising and Death has been stolen. A mysterious prophecy unites the two camps and soon, seven teenagers are chosen to go on a journey that will change the world... or destroy it.
Meet Percy, a strong-willed boy who can control water and can speak to horses, son of Poseidon. And Annabeth, one of Percy's closest friends since age 12, a clever, strategic demigod, daughter of Athena. Piper is Aphrodite's daughter who can charm-speak and Leo is the seventh wheel of the group, with magical fingers, son of Hephaestus.
Then there are the Romans: Jason, a strong Roman boy, son of Jupiter. Hazel, a tough magical Roman girl, daughter of Pluto, with a deep secret, and Frank, her best friend, son of Mars.
These seven demigods have a destiny nobody can imagine. Can they defeat Gaia and her evil forces?
This series is very good and I love it. The only catch is that it is easier to understand only if you read the previous series. The books in the series are The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune, The Mark of Athena, The House of Hades and The Blood of Olympus.
I recommend this series to ages 9 and above.
I really, super-duper love this series and I really want more even though the series has already ended!

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Favorite Blast #2: Athena, Artemis and the Rest of Greek Mythology

Hey everybody...
So, here's my next Favorite Blast review: Athena, Artemis and the Rest of Greek Mythology. This review is on the...(drum-roll...) PERCY JACKSON series! This is one of my ultimate favorites, seriously. The series is by Rick Riordan, who's also written the Kane Chronicles series and the Heroes of Olympus series, which is also one of my favorites.
Percy Jackson lives in New York with his Mom, Sally Jackson. Everything's normal. Until one fateful day in which he visits the museum and his life is changed the moment he is handed a magic sword and he finds out that he's half-god, half-human! Percy is taken to a mysterious camp, Camp Half-Blood, where demigods, nature spirits, satyrs and centaurs all live in peace... Well, not quite.
Suddenly, Percy's thrown into a world (and heaven) of Greek gods, monsters, prophecies and heroes. Where lies can be truth, and good can be bad, who can be trusted? Percy soon learns that his greatest enemy is Kronos, the Titan of Time, who is bent on revenge and has sworn to rule the world again.
Faced with Titans, monsters, terrible prophecies and magical items, will Percy be able to defeat Kronos? Can anybody defeat Kronos? The worst part is what will Percy lose during this quest? His friends, his Mom, his life or even the world?
I love this series and it is amazing. I love the way the story is structured and the way the plot is unraveled. The language is easy to understand and there are situations we can all relate to. The story is so well narrated that you can actually feel as though you are actually in the book.
The books in this series are The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters, The Titan's Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth and The Last Olympian. The story is continued in a separate series The Heroes of Olympus.
I like this series and recommend it for ages 9 and above.
Well, this is the end of this post. Remember, watch out for the next Favorite Blast review, which will review the Heroes of Olympus!

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Hello friends,
I reviewed the Harry Potter series and on the same day I got a review from the view of a 9-year-old on what she thinks of the fourth book in the series. Here it is:
Harry Potter is a very good series of books and I like it a lot.  I am going to review the 4th book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. In this book, Harry Potter is in his fourth year in Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. There is a competition between three schools but only students the age of 17 and above can participate. The Goblet of Fire, by accident, chooses Harry to participate even though he is only 14. There are 3 tasks which are very mysterious. While Harry is busy with the competition, the evil Lord Voldemort is trying to defeat Harry by infiltrating the castle...
Read the Goblet of Fire to know what tricks Voldemort tries to play on Harry and whether Harry will ever escape!
~Meesha, age 9, Hyderabad, Telengana, India
I really liked this review. What do you think? Why don't you post your own review in the 'Reviewed by Friends' section?

Favorite Blast #1: Expelliarmus!

Hey guys,
One thing about the Harry Potter series: I LOVE IT! Why? Well, for one thing, who wouldn't like a book that has a school of wizardry, flying broomsticks, mysterious prophecies, flaming phoenixes, curses and spells and a bunch of other cool, awesome stuff? It's a pretty simple question. Well, today, as the first review of Favorite Blast, I'm reviewing the Harry Potter series.
Harry Potter is a normal boy who lives with his parents and has fun with his lovely cousin, Dudley. Well, not quite. Okay, okay. That's not the story at all. But this is the story: Harry Potter is a strange, thin boy who's parents, apparently, died dies in a car crash. He lives with his terrible Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia and is bullied and beaten by his horrid cousin Dudley. Harry's not normal at all. He gets strange dreams and can jump onto his school's roof from the ground.
But, his life is turned around when he meets a giant called Hagrid, who changes everything. Harry is taken to a school of magic and meets his friends. There his mysterious past seems to unfold and he realizes that his parents were killed by Lord Voldemort, the most feared, vicious wizard of all time. But the strange thing is that Harry is the only person to have ever survived the wrath of Lord Voldemort...
Harry's destiny is far beyond anything he can ever imagine. With the help of his friends and the past, will Harry ever be able to fulfill the destiny he was meant for?
Harry's tale is narrated in a series of seven books and it is a classic tale of Good VS Evil. The story is like a corridor with twists, turns and surprises lurking around every corner. I really love the series and I love it.
The series is written by J. K. Rowling, who I feel is one of the best storytellers the world has ever known. The books in the series are Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone (depends on which version you read), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
This is a timeless classic that I think everyone should read. I recommend it for ages 8 and above.
By the way, get ready for my NEXT Favorite Blast review: The Percy Jackson series!

Friday 23 January 2015

Introduction to the FAVORITE BLAST!

Hello readers!
I got a great idea! For the next month or so, I'm going to review my TOP FAVORITE books... Here's a list on what books I'll review. However, my top favorite books that I've already reviewed aren't included in this list, so books like The Secret Series aren't here because I've already reviewed them...

  1. The Harry Potter series
  2.  The Percy Jackson series
  3. Heroes of Olympus series
  4. Wonder
  5. Septimus Heap series
  6. How I Survived Being a Girl
  7. The Suitcase Kid
  8. Journey To the River Sea
  9. Sleepovers
  10. Clean Break
I've got many more, but most of them are already reviewed. Hey, why don't you review your favorites in my blog? If you're interested, you can get more information in the section 'Reviewed by Friends.'
So, fellow bookworms, let's begin the FAVORITE BLAST! 

Monday 12 January 2015

Two Different Girls- One Special Friendship!

Hey readers,
What would you prefer: Being a famous child of a rock star or being a child who has a poor life with privacy?
Sunset Kilman is the oldest daughter of aging rock star Danny Kilman. She has a talent for writing songs and has amazing possessions. Great, right? Maybe not- Sunset isn't loud or pretty and she hates flashing lights. She would rather have a quiet life than warring parents who both won't admit they both are wrong. Sometimes it feels like nobody notices she's there and even if they do notice, people think she's a bit crazy and weird.
Or meet Destiny, who lives with her Mum in a council estate in Northern England. Destiny isn't rich but she lives very happily with her Mum. At least, that's at home. At school, Destiny is mocked by everybody and the most exciting thing that has ever happened in her life is participating in...the school talent show. She's an amazing singer. Things are unpredictable, but Destiny is sure that nothing will go wrong and that she will live happily with her Mum.
End of Story. Or is it?
Destiny is actually Danny  Kilman's long-lost daughter. But, when Destiny and her Mum visit Danny's house, they are driven away by Danny's wife and Sunset's mother, Suzy. But Sunset sees everything and believes that Destiny is Dad's other daughter. So, a link is formed in between the two girls and they each send letters to one another.
But, things don't go as planned. Destiny's Mum isn't well and they barely have any money at all. Kids tease Destiny and think she's a joke. Meanwhile, Sunset's Dad runs off and the papers begin to abuse Danny. Things aren't going well, but maybe there is a chance for both families...
 This book is a great book and it is one book that you could read over and over again. It is written by Jacqueline Wilson who has also written The Dare Game, The Worry Website, Queenie, etc.
I recommend this book to ages 9 and above.
I totally love this book!