Tuesday 27 January 2015

Favorite Blast #1: Expelliarmus!

Hey guys,
One thing about the Harry Potter series: I LOVE IT! Why? Well, for one thing, who wouldn't like a book that has a school of wizardry, flying broomsticks, mysterious prophecies, flaming phoenixes, curses and spells and a bunch of other cool, awesome stuff? It's a pretty simple question. Well, today, as the first review of Favorite Blast, I'm reviewing the Harry Potter series.
Harry Potter is a normal boy who lives with his parents and has fun with his lovely cousin, Dudley. Well, not quite. Okay, okay. That's not the story at all. But this is the story: Harry Potter is a strange, thin boy who's parents, apparently, died dies in a car crash. He lives with his terrible Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia and is bullied and beaten by his horrid cousin Dudley. Harry's not normal at all. He gets strange dreams and can jump onto his school's roof from the ground.
But, his life is turned around when he meets a giant called Hagrid, who changes everything. Harry is taken to a school of magic and meets his friends. There his mysterious past seems to unfold and he realizes that his parents were killed by Lord Voldemort, the most feared, vicious wizard of all time. But the strange thing is that Harry is the only person to have ever survived the wrath of Lord Voldemort...
Harry's destiny is far beyond anything he can ever imagine. With the help of his friends and the past, will Harry ever be able to fulfill the destiny he was meant for?
Harry's tale is narrated in a series of seven books and it is a classic tale of Good VS Evil. The story is like a corridor with twists, turns and surprises lurking around every corner. I really love the series and I love it.
The series is written by J. K. Rowling, who I feel is one of the best storytellers the world has ever known. The books in the series are Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone (depends on which version you read), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
This is a timeless classic that I think everyone should read. I recommend it for ages 8 and above.
By the way, get ready for my NEXT Favorite Blast review: The Percy Jackson series!

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