Monday 12 January 2015

Two Different Girls- One Special Friendship!

Hey readers,
What would you prefer: Being a famous child of a rock star or being a child who has a poor life with privacy?
Sunset Kilman is the oldest daughter of aging rock star Danny Kilman. She has a talent for writing songs and has amazing possessions. Great, right? Maybe not- Sunset isn't loud or pretty and she hates flashing lights. She would rather have a quiet life than warring parents who both won't admit they both are wrong. Sometimes it feels like nobody notices she's there and even if they do notice, people think she's a bit crazy and weird.
Or meet Destiny, who lives with her Mum in a council estate in Northern England. Destiny isn't rich but she lives very happily with her Mum. At least, that's at home. At school, Destiny is mocked by everybody and the most exciting thing that has ever happened in her life is participating in...the school talent show. She's an amazing singer. Things are unpredictable, but Destiny is sure that nothing will go wrong and that she will live happily with her Mum.
End of Story. Or is it?
Destiny is actually Danny  Kilman's long-lost daughter. But, when Destiny and her Mum visit Danny's house, they are driven away by Danny's wife and Sunset's mother, Suzy. But Sunset sees everything and believes that Destiny is Dad's other daughter. So, a link is formed in between the two girls and they each send letters to one another.
But, things don't go as planned. Destiny's Mum isn't well and they barely have any money at all. Kids tease Destiny and think she's a joke. Meanwhile, Sunset's Dad runs off and the papers begin to abuse Danny. Things aren't going well, but maybe there is a chance for both families...
 This book is a great book and it is one book that you could read over and over again. It is written by Jacqueline Wilson who has also written The Dare Game, The Worry Website, Queenie, etc.
I recommend this book to ages 9 and above.
I totally love this book!

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