Tuesday 16 June 2015

Favorite Blast #10: Don't Worry, It's Just a Clean Break...

Dear readers,
I haven't blogged for a long time, but here is the last Favorite Blast! I'm reviewing the book Clean Break by Jacqueline Wilson.
Usually, in stories, the step-parents are terrible and mean to the children. But in Em's case, this is wrong. She loves her step-dad way more than her real dad. Even if she has to put up with Vita and Max, her annoying half-siblings. So why does everything go wrong on Christmas day?
At first, Em is sure that this will be the best Christmas ever, especially when her step-dad gives her a real emerald ring! Cool! But after a mysterious call, Em is not sure whether this really will be the best Christmas ever.
When her step-dad runs away, life gets tougher with old Gran nagging, not enough money and a shocking discovery about Em's emerald ring.
And then Em starts to wonder... did her step-dad really love her? Everybody tries to convince that her step-dad is coming back, but Em knows better.
But maybe all it will take to get her step-dad back is an accident...
Will Em ever get her step-dad back?
Or will she have to accept this new way of life?
Jacqueline Wilson has written many other books, such as The Suitcase Kid, Sleepovers, The Lottie Project, etc. I have also reviewed some of her books which you can find in my blog.
This is a heart-touching story and will make you root for Em all the way. I recommend this book to ages 9 and above.
Well, this is the end of Favorite Blast! I hope you enjoyed it and maybe I'll do something like this in the future. Thanks a lot! (and I'm not being sarcastic.)

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Thanks for posting!