Friday 26 June 2015

The Other World...

Hey everybody!
Have you watched or heard about the movie Coraline? Well, that amazing movie is based on an amazing book written by Neil Gaiman, called 'Coraline.'
Coraline Jones is bored. She always is at her new house. There's nothing to do, her parents are always busy, and all the neighbors pronounce her name wrong. It's Coraline. Not Caroline. Coraline. The least she can do is explore. But she can't even do that when it starts to rain one day. So, when her father suggests she explore the flat, she finds a strange door. It doesn't open to anywhere and behind is a bunch of bricks. After further unearthing and digging up she finds out that it's closed because when the house was divided into flats, the door was blocked. At least that's the story... but maybe there's something more to the bricked-up wall.
When her parents aren't home, Coraline finds out that the door does open out to somewhere. Going through the dark musty corridor, she finds a world eerily similar to her own... but better. This world is way more interesting and fun.
But there's another mother there, and another father, who want Coraline to stay and be their little girl... but that can't happen... can it? When the history of this world starts to unravel and her parents disappear, Coraline finds out that she's in grave danger...
This is the first book I've read written by Neil Gaiman and I certainly look forward to reading more. This book is eery and never really frightening and I love it. It's truly one of my favorite books! I recommend this book to ages 8 and above.
I love this book and rate it 5 stars!

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