Sunday 31 December 2017

Twilight- a 'Love' Story

Hey everybody!
Today I'll be reviewing a pretty popular book- Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.
Twilight is the love story of Isabella 'Bella' Swan and Edward Cullen. When Bella moves to Forks, Washington, which she calls 'the rainiest place on the planet', she expects to find boredom, misery and homesickness. But when she goes to school, she is fascinated by the mysterious Edward Cullen and his family, but at first sight Edward seems to hate her.
Gradually, though, they start to bond and Bella figures out the Cullens' secret- they're vampires. The Cullens accept her, though, but soon Bella is put in danger when a hunter wants to track her down and drink her blood...
Twilightbook.jpgI personally didn't find the love story to have much love. The 'love' didn't feel like actual 'love.' Edward and Bella have known each other (not very well either) for barely two months before professing their 'love' for each other, and having barely any proper conversations. Also, I would like to know more about the Cullens' (and Bella's) daily lives, including their hobbies- not just their special gifts. It would be more realistic if this was shown.
I would also prefer it if Bella had more of of a personality instead of just being a blank slate that dumps her friends the moment Edward takes an interest in her. In fact, from the moment she has her first conversation with Edward, we hardly know what happens to her at school or at home- everything is now about Edward.
Also, the plot felt pretty rushed, as did the love story. I feel like this could have been much better if the love story was slower and daily life was explained better- not just at school but at home as well. I wanted to know more about the vampires too- why did they only move to Forks, 'the rainiest place on the planet' now? How come nobody other than Bella figured the whole vampire thing out? She can't be the only girl to research about vampires, can she?
The book is supposed to be based on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, but personally I feel that Pride and Prejudice is far better- if you want a good love story I would recommend it instead.
There are four books in the series, and I have only read the first book; I'm not sure whether I'm going to read the next three.
Stephenie Meyer is best known for the Twilight series, and she has also written The Host.
I don't really recommend Twilight to anyone- but the age group would be around 12+.

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