Sunday 31 December 2017

Long Story Short

Hello fellow readers!
I'm not much of a storyteller- that is, the speaking, talking type of storyteller. So when I found 'Long Story Short' by Margot Leitman, I hoped that it would help me with my storytelling skills- and help it did!
Image result for long story shortLong Story Short by Margot Leitman is a good guide to storytelling for a beginner. It talks about how to be more expressive, choosing what stories to narrate, what to do and what not to do and how to make your own life story-worthy.
I enjoyed it- Margot recommends to the reader some good short stories to read and listen to. She talks about how to get the audience to root for you- the trick, it turns out, is to make yourself flawed instead of perfect. She also uses some of her own stories to help us understand what she means. I'm definitely going to use some of her tips next time.
I also liked the way she wrote- it was casual and not boring. I swept through the book pretty easily, which can be hard for me, personally, because I'm not that into non-fiction books, but Margot Leitman's book held my attention.
Margot Leitman is a storyteller, comedian and writer from New Jersey. She's also written Gawky: Tales of an Extra Long Awkward Phase. She is five-time Moth StorySLAM winner.
I recommend this book for ages 12+.

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