Wednesday 30 July 2014

Fame is Just an Audition Away!

Hello, all!
Scene 1: Cut!
How would you feel if you were a star, signing autographs and waving at your fans? To do this, the best option would be to go to Star School and learn! At least, that's what the characters do in the Star School series by Chrissie Perry.
In the books there are three girls: Chloe, Sarah, and last but not least, Alex.
All three girls have different lives, ambitions, talents and dreams. Chloe is beautiful, and wants to be a great dancer. Sarah is more of a rebel and can't wait to be a singer. Alex has got big-time X-factor (the thing that makes you interesting to watch) and is anticipating for the day she can become an actress. But fate draws these girls together for the Star School entrance audition.
Can the girls make their big dreams come true?
Can they make the best of it at Star School, and what sort of adventures will they have with their friends?
Lastly, can they make it to Star School?
Chrissie Perry has written many successful books for children and young adults. She has written a few stories in the Go Girl! series and the Star School series.
I recommend this series from ages 8 to 12.
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