Thursday 24 April 2014

Hypnotism, Time-travelling, Mind-reading and Morphing

Hello, everybody!
Which one would you rather do? Hypnotism, time-travelling, mind-reading, or morphing? Take your pick! All of these are available in the Molly Moon series!
The series revolves around the main character, Molly Moon, a girl with no beauty and no particular talent. The series started off with 'Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism' and the latest book is 'Molly Moon and the Monster Music.' The books track Molly's days at a cruel orphanage, all the way to Molly finding different talents and powers.
And all of this unfolds with the help of a book about hypnotism! Imagine, reading a book that totally changes your life! That's what happens to Molly Moon. These books are funny and creative, much like the type of books people love. The books in the series are 'Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism,' 'Molly Moon Stops the World,' 'Molly Moon's Hypnotic Time-Travel Adventure,' 'Molly Moon, Micky Minus and the Mind Machine,' 'Molly Moon and the Morphing Mystery,' and 'Molly Moon and the Monster Music.'
The books are written by Georgia Byng, an author who loves to travel. All in all, I think you folks should go for it!
Next time, I'll be reviewing the Main Street series by Ann M. Martin, so be sure to check it out!

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