Friday 30 December 2016

Want Some Candyfloss?

Hello everyone!
Do you love going to the fair? Raise your hand if you do, because Floss from Candyfloss by Jacqueline Wilson certainly does!
Flora 'Floss' is at odds. The worst news ever has come on her birthday- her mum and stepfather and her baby brother are moving to Australia! Even if it's only for a few months, how will Floss manage without spending time with her father, who runs a cafe? That's when Floss is faced with a tough decision- will she start anew in Australia or will she stay with her father who barely manages his next meal?
Related imageWhen she decides to stay with her dear old dad, she's not at all sure she made the right decision. She arrives at school smelling like chips, with a ruffled uniform and mussed-up hair. Even her best friend Rhiannon and Rhiannon's mum treat her like a charity case. She wants to be friends with Susan, the new girl in school, but she's scared Rhiannon will tease her and break friends with her if she even talks nicely to Susan. Floss is the new joke among her ex-friends. Things get even worse when she betrays Susan and instead goes off with Rhiannon, who teases her and her father.
Somehow, Floss and her dad manage to scrape by, eating chip butties. The one thing Floss really looks forward to is the fair, where she makes new friends and where she feels at home. Maybe things really will be okay. But that's until she and her father become homeless and are forced to live in an old friend's flat.
Will their fairground friends help them? Will they manage to get everything they need? Will everything turn out okay?
Candyfloss is a moving story, though I felt the ending was a bit rushed. Otherwise, I loved it and it is definitely worth a read!
I've reviewed numerous Jacqueline Wilson books. She is a British author who has also written Vicky Angel, Cookie, Sleepovers, The Suitcase Kid, Double Act and many other books as well.
I recommend this book for ages 9 and above.
Have you read Candyfloss? What did you think of it? Let me know in the comments below!

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