Friday 30 December 2016

Enter the O Yal Hotel!

Hey fellow bookworms!
Today I'll be reviewing The Bed and Breakfast Star by Jacqueline Wilson.
Related imageMeet Elsa, the future comedienne who plans to be famous someday! Only, no one seems to laugh at her jokes anymore... maybe it has something to do with the fact that her family- her mum, her stepdad Mack the Smack, her stepsister Pippa and her GIANT baby stepbrother Hank the Hunk- have had to move out of their wonderful old house into a dump of a bed-and-breakfast hotel- the Royal Hotel.
At first it seems like it couldn't get worse- until Elsa's mum breaks down and she's simply known as 'one of those bed-and-breakfast children' at school, Elsa starts to wonder what will happen to them.
So, of course, when a television crew visits the hotel to record the misery of the children living there, Elsa can't resist grabbing her chance of fame...or rather, pushing her best friend Naomi to take it. But Elsa regrets it when her actions threaten to make Naomi and her family homeless...
Now how will Elsa make up for what she's done? Will she be able to help change her family's situation or is she destined to live in a bed-and-breakfast hotel for the rest of her life?
Jacqueline Wilson is a renowned British children's author. I've reviewed many of her books before.
I think The Bed and Breakfast Star is a heart-touching, humorous story and I extremely like it. I think that this may be among some of the best books Jacqueline Wilson has written.
I recommend this book for ages 9 and above.

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