Saturday 21 January 2017

You Look As If You've Seen A Ghost!

Hey everyone!
Today I'll be reviewing Vicky Angel, another book by Jacqueline Wilson. It touches on a sensitive topic, death.
Vicky and Jade have been best friends since forever. They are as close as sisters, maybe even closer. They know what the other is thinking. Jade is used to being bossed around and doing whatever Vicky wants. So when Vicky passes away after a horrible accident while the two are quarreling and walking back from school, Jade feels terrible- she doesn't what to do. It feels like it's her fault- after all, if they hadn't been fighting, Vicky would have never been involved in an accident.
But barely an hour after her death, Vicky appears in front of Jade- except, she's not living- she's a ghost, and no one else can see her. At first, things are great. Jade feels like she's still with Vicky, and life will somehow go back to normal.
But then, things stop being so fun. People look at Jade like she's crazy when she talks with Vicky, she starts being mean to those who try to be kind to her and Vicky just won't leave her alone for more than a moment- she's always around. And worse, Vicky's not letting Jade move on in life- she doesn't allow Jade to make new friends, take up a new hobby and follow her dream. Vicky's presence isn't so fun anymore and sometimes it's even a bit oppressive!
Will Jade ever be able to move on? Will she make new friends and start thinking for herself? And will she finally accept what happened on that fateful day?
This is a touching book about, grief, death and moving on in life. The book is thoughtful and sad, but at the same time sometimes humourous and fun. It is really interesting to read about Jade and Vicky's adventures and what will happen to Vicky at the end.
The book is sad in the beginning and a little bit at the end.
Jacqueline Wilson is a British author. I have reviewed many of her books previously. Her writing style is fun and amusing.
Vicky Angel is an extremely touching and absorbing story. I recommend it to ages 11 and above.

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