Monday 4 July 2016

When Pigs Fly...I Mean, Rule the Farm!

Hello guys,
There are so many farms that have animals working on them. But have you ever thought of a farm that has animals working... and ruling the farm?
Today I'll be writing about Animal Farm by George Orwell. The books talks about Manor Farm, an English farm owned by Mr. Jones. The animals are regularly abused by Mr. Jones, but after a meeting in the barn, the animals decide they've had enough and want the farm for themselves. Kicking Mr. Jones out of Manor Farm and renaming the place Animal Farm, the new leaders are now the pigs.
At first, things go smoothly and the animals have never been happier.
That's until one of the leaders are accused of treason and is chased out of the farm. Everything goes topsy-turvy after that! The pigs start walking on two legs, the windmill that is being built has collapsed twice and Animal Farm is under attack from the surrounding farms.
What is going to happen to Animal Farm now?
The book is a little over 100 pages but it depicts real-life issues and is a satyr of governance. It is based on the Russian Revolution.
George Orwell is the pen-name of Eric Arthur Blair, an English novelist, essayist, journalist and critic. He has also written 1984, Burmese Days, Homage to California, Coming Up For Air and many essays as well.
I recommend this dark, and sometimes humourous book for ages 9 and above.

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