Sunday 3 May 2015

Favorite Blast #9: Sleepover Girlz...

Hey guys,
Today I'm going to review Sleepovers by Jacqueline Wilson.
All the girls in the Alphabet club (Amy, Bella, Chloe, Daisy and Emily) can't wait to have sleepover parties. That is, except for Daisy. Poor Daisy is new to the school and doesn't have a best friend. Then she meets the rest of the Alphabet club and finally starts to settle down. Everybody seems to like her, except for mean Chloe. Chloe torments Daisy and doesn't let her take part in activities. She's a cheater and the main problem is that she's Emily's best friend. Daisy wants to be Emily's friend and she can't bear Chloe.
Chloe gets meaner and meaner to the extent that Emily doesn't want to be her best friend anymore either. Then when the sleepovers start, it's a chance that Daisy can become Emily's best friend... But that's not Daisy's only problem. She's embarrassed and won't let anybody come to her house because of her sister.
Daisy's sister isn't well and Daisy's embarrassed about her... But maybe she can help Daisy in beating Chloe...
This story is a very heartwarming tale about friendship, standing up for friends and understanding that you shouldn't be embarrassed by someone you love..
I recommend this book to ages 7 and above.
Jacqueline Wilson is a British author who has also written The Suitcase Kid, The Lottie Project, Clean Break, The Diamond Girls, and many more.
Well, this review is almost over. The LAST Favorite Blast review, reviewing another Jacqueline Wilson book, Clean Break, is coming soon! Stay tuned to A Wonderland of Books!